The Queen Is Here!!!

My full name is Dejarnarra MèQuelle Green which was given to me by an older cousin who felt since I was going to be the last I was also going to be the unique one. So far I’m the only person with this name and if you can pronounce it right, then say it otherwise you call me Queen. Since I can remember I have always been called weird by by siblings so I guess that’s what she meant by unique…  I’m old enough to remember the scare of “Y2K” and my is birthday is on October 26 which makes me a Scorpio; I’m a nice control freak who hates feet…

My style is very different I think. I’m not trendy, mostly because I hate looking like everyone else and it gets very expensive trying to stay on top of all the new trends, but the way I would describe by style would be: Afro punk and Glam got together one night and Glam got knocked up and gave birth to my wardrobe. I’m also into African prints, head wraps, and you can almost always catch me wearing a dress


Afro punk is more of a movement then a style, its for those who don’t conform to what people may consider “black”. I live my life alternatively but I also enjoy rockin’ a nice “beat-down” (make-up) when I go out, my favorite brand of make-up is M.A.C.  If I decide to wear a weave my bundles must be on fleek as my niece and nephew would say and I would nomarlly purchase the 14” Knatural Coarse Clip-ins by Knappy Hair Extensions and if I’m going to wear nails they have to be long and bejeweled which i’ll purchase from get from, this is where my glam steps in. I love taking styles and making them own.

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